IP Crime Congress, 5th - 6th July 2005
Date: June 04, 2005Source: Computer Crime Research Center
IP Crime Congress, 5th - 6th July 2005.
Royal College of Surgeons, London.
The event is officially backed &fully endorsed by the Patent Office, the Home Office, the Department of Trade and Industry, HM Customs and Excise, the Assets Recovery Agency and the Risk and Security Management Forum.
It is the first European initiative that will bring these organisations together with the business community to scope the extent of the problem and find practical measures and solutions to help combat organised IP Crime. Through structured themes the Congress will look at international examples of enforcement, case studies of partnership models (such as those used by the National High Tech Crime Unit (NHTCU)), as well as identify and understand the latest threats of IP Crime and ways in which we can help ourselves.
In addition, the event will produce an outcome statement that will feed into the Tackling Organised Crime in Partnership initiative, an annual event backed by the UK government and the EU which has produced recommendations used to form EU policy on tackling organised crime throughout the European Union.
The Congress is not a talking shop; it is a government endorsed initiative to find models and solutions that can be implemented in partnership. It will act as a platform to enrol more and diverse energy and partners into the new UK IP Crime Strategy. There is real commitment from law enforcement to become involved and educate itself more about the genuine and urgent needs of business with SOCA (Serious and Organised Crime Agency) the brand new national agency set up to combat level 3 crime in attendance.
Unlike other IP events the IP Crime Congress is not a legal conference. Instead it will address the issues of intellectual property crime and promote as all of our events do, a partnership approach in collectively tackling the problem of organised Crime.
This initiative will look to create EU wide policy as 2005 sees the UK holding the presidency of the EU. An excellent opportunity to put yourself forward and express your views as well as network with many others from different sectors who share the same interests as yourself - to help their business function more effectively and profitably.
The agenda will include;
- Keynote speeches from senior representatives from government departments, law enforcement agencies, professional and legal services firms, IP
rights owners and international trade associations - The Patent Office's IP Crime Strategy
- In-depth case studies and practical examples of success stories from other regions
- Delegate driven debates and question and answer sessions
- The latest technologies and strategies to combat IP crime
- The formation of an outcome statement that will provide a "roadmap" for the way ahead
Confirmed speakers to date include;
Arlene McCarthy, Member of the European Parliament (MEP) Derek Walmsley, Regional Manager, Global Product Protection EMEA, Eli Lilly Detective Superintendent Mick Deats, Deputy Head, National Hi-Tech Crime Unit (NHTCU) Dr Mark Galeotti, Director of the Organised Russian &Eurasian Crime Research Unit (ORECRU), Keele University, UK Eric Nicoli, Chairman, EMI Group Gavin Terry, Chairperson, Trading Standards Northwest IP Crime Group Howard Rubenstein, UK General Counsel and Company Secretary, Yell Group Ltd Jane Earl, Director, Assets Recovery Agency Jim Boocock, Head of Corporate Security, Pentland Brands plc John Abbott, CBE, QPM, Congress Chairman and Former Director General, National Criminal Intelligence Service (NCIS) Mark Stollery, Director of Research and Intelligence, Aegis Defence Services Ltd Paul Evans, Director for Intervention, Serious and Organised Crime Agency (SOCA) Paul Rawlinson, Partner and Chair of the IP Global Practice Group, Baker &McKenzie Peter Lawrence, Director of Intellectual Property and Innovation, Patent Office Spencer Mott, Senior Manager, European IP &IT Security, Electronic Arts Stephen Hawgood, Chairman, Pharmaceutical Industry Working Group, Quality Brands Protection Committee - China Stephen Webb, Head of Organised Crime and Financial Crime Unit, Home Office.
Please note that this event qualifies for 12 ITMA (Institute of Trade Mark Attorneys) CPD Points Delegates;
We will welcome 200 senior individuals from national and international governments, law enforcement and intelligence services, national &international
business corporations. Attendees from business would come from a number of corporate functions including Finance Director, Heads and Global Heads of Risk
and Security, General Counsel, IP Counsel, Lawyers and those tasked with protecting the IP rights of corporations.
The cost to attend the Congress is £495 +VAT and includes:
- Admission to the two day event
- Access to all plenary sessions and exhibition
- Welcome pack and event guide
- Network break refreshments and hot buffet lunch
- Delegate list.
How to register:
Online, go to http://www.ipcrimecongress.org/ipcrime2005/website.asp?page=Register
Or contact Howard James, Events Delegate Manager, AKJ Associates.
Telephone: +44 (0) 207 430 1486
Email: [email protected]